Sunday, April 15

Aguirangan (Rose Islet) Revisited

I've blogged about having passed by Aguirangan aka Rose Islet on my way to Caramoan last year and wanted to visit again.. Well my wish came true this summer. My brother-in-law from CCanada went home for my nephew's graduation and he treated the whole family to a day at the beach and this islet was chosen.

It was amazing to see this tiny gem of a place again. We went there on Good Friday and the place was packed with tourists and other families wanting to enjoy some fun away from the CamSur mainland but close enough to still come back home at the end of the day.

We rented a small outrigger boat for 2500 that accommodated all 21 of us. A pretty good deal in my opinion since they had to wait the rest of the day for us to finish swimming to take us back to Sabang beach.

Our trip from Sabang took about 30 minutes and we thought we might not have a cottage available for us, there were so many people milling around the islet.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) there was an empty cottage in the middle of the islet... Long story short, we came, my big sister & her husband got this wheals from coming into contact with this worm thing ("tir-as" in the vernacular) which caused them to itch like crazy, we feasted on this huge fish, swam & enjoyed the sun. Creepy crawlies aside, we had fun (or most of us did).

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